Secretele succesului
Secretele succesului on October 19, 2021 Secretele succesului: Stăm de vorbă cu un antreprenor Scris de Begeac Mihaela-Alexandra şi Delia Apetroaei Iată câteva sfaturi din partea unui…
Secretele succesului on October 19, 2021 Secretele succesului: Stăm de vorbă cu un antreprenor Scris de Begeac Mihaela-Alexandra şi Delia Apetroaei Iată câteva sfaturi din partea unui…
Interviu cu directorii academiei: Resurse Umane și Relații Publice on March 24, 2021 ThinkUp Academy Blog: Ce te-a determinat sa îți asumi rolul de director în cadrul ThinkUp Academy? …
Interviu cu directorii academiei: Programul Național și Marketing on February 9, 2021 ThinkUp Academy Blog: Ce te-a determinat sa îți asumi rolul de director in cadrul ThinkUp Academy? Alexandru…
The National Program on January 21, 2021 The National Program for Personal Development is a project launched by ThinkUp Academy together with the support of key Romanian institutions, to…
Through experience, we grow on January 9, 2021 After a long-deserved winter vacation, ThinkUp Academy is back and already welcoming some new changes such as some mentors and executives…
Part 2: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance on September 23, 2020 This is part 2 to last week’s article. If you haven’t read it yet I suggest you…
Part 1: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance on September 16, 2020 As a follow up to last week’s article “Finding a balance between school and your…
When and how to get involved? on July 21, 2020 When and how to get involved? Imagine this. You’re in class trying to complete your essay when a group of people…
Welcome to ThinkUp Academy! on July 6, 2020 Puteți găsi versiunea în limba română mai jos. Many students in the world acknowledge that change starts with them, and they are…
Interview with the President on July 8, 2020 Interview Erik Birinyi, ThinkUp Academy’s president: “Our aim is to inspire people and help them dream big” Erik Birinyi, the president and…