Part 2: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance
Part 2: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance on September 23, 2020 This is part 2 to last week’s article. If you haven’t read it yet I suggest you go and read that one first. ThinkUp Academy Blog: Do you set yourself a specific amount of time for work? Erik Birinyi: Usually I am focused […]
Part 1: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance
Part 1: Interview with the academy’s board of directors: work-life balance on September 16, 2020 As a follow up to last week’s article “Finding a balance between school and your personal life”, we interviewed ThinkUp Academy’s directors to get a perspective on how they handle their workload. ThinkUp Academy Blog: Define what work-life balance means […]
When and how to get involved?
When and how to get involved? on July 21, 2020 When and how to get involved? Imagine this. You’re in class trying to complete your essay when a group of people come in and present the organisation they’re a part of: an institution for elderlies which offers all kinds of activities for them to take part […]
Welcome to ThinkUp Academy!
Welcome to ThinkUp Academy! on July 6, 2020 Puteți găsi versiunea în limba română mai jos. Many students in the world acknowledge that change starts with them, and they are ready to improve their societies as early as High School. This is the mindset that motivated us to create the ThinkUp Academy. ThinkUp Academy is […]
Interview with the President
Interview with the President on July 8, 2020 Interview Erik Birinyi, ThinkUp Academy’s president: “Our aim is to inspire people and help them dream big” Erik Birinyi, the president and one of the founders of ThinkUp Academy, a student at Transylvania College in Cluj-Napoca, shared with us more details about the process behind this project. […]